Kate Middleton ha raccontato a Mary Berry quali sono le passioni dei suoi bambini: dal pony di Charlotte, all’amore per la cucina di Louis (che sfoglia già libri di ricette…).

Durante la puntata di A Berry Royal Christmas – condotta dalla famosa cuoca scrittrice Mary Berry – e andata in onda sulla BBC il 15 dicembre 2019, Kate Middleton ha rilasciato un’intervista non da duchessa ma… da mamma! Si è lasciata andare in confessioni dolci e divertenti sulle peculiarità dei suoi bambini come, ad esempio, la passione di Louis per la cucina o il desiderio di Charlotte di ricevere un pony per Natale.

Louis, il più piccolo (è nato nel 2018), sarebbe già appassionatissimo di cucina, tanto che il suo passatempo preferito è quello di sfogliare libri di ricette. La sua prima parola, secondo quanto detto da Kate, è stata… Mary! Sembrerà strano, ma le cucine reali sono piene dei libri di Mary Berry…

Kate Middleton e l’intervista rilasciata a Mary Berry

Durante la trasmissione A Berry Royal Christmas, la duchessa di Cambridge ha rivelato alla famosa scrittrice di cucina Mary Berry alcuni aneddoti divertenti sui tre piccoli principi.

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#NEWS: . Mary Berry about the special with the Cambridges: The programme was ‘entirely Prince William’s idea’(…) ‘I saw him at an event a few months ago and he told me that Catherine follows my recipes and had just made one of my fish dishes. . He said he would love her to do something with me for a special event and that he had an idea. I said, ‘Count me in!’ A few days later she received a call saying Prince William wanted to do a thank-you dinner for the charity staff and volunteer. . Mary Berry about the Cambs:‘I was so impressed. They really are a pigeon couple [in that they mate for life]. . It was easy to see that William is very proud of Catherine. He was keen to stress to me how none of his mental health charities would be what they were without Catherine, who puts so much time, effort and care into making sure everything works well. . Mary adds: ‘ ‘It was just lovely observing them for those three days. When they are together, he’s constantly touching her arm and looking over at her smiling and she’s the same with him. It was very sweet to see because it was so natural. . the cambs skills: She’s a proper cook, for her children and for W. She’s a very hands-on mum. She told me she uses my pizza recipe and her children help her make them. Her own mum used to have my books, and C grew up cooking with her. I know she has a lot of my books too…‘They’re both very competitive, particularly William. Nadiya and I didn’t physically help, we just gave hints. . At one point, I had to tell William off jokingly because he kept looking to see what Catherine was doing, so I told him he was cheating. . Catherine finished first – she did a lovely woodland-themed decoration. His was rather more gaudy but he was good with his piping and decorating – I was most impressed. In the end I declared a draw.’ . While in Liverpool they also visited The Passage ‘It was a hectic few days but I loved watching the way they interacted with everyone because both are so natural at putting people at their ease. I think it was a day people will remember for years to come. I certainly will.’ . – all credit goes to the rightful owners. . #princewilliam #dukeofcambridge #katemiddleton #du

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Charlotte, invece, lascia la cucina al fratello Louis e vuole dedicarsi ai cavalli, una passione che la accomuna molto alla bisnonna Elisabetta II. La sua passione è talmente grande che come regalo di Natale, la principessina, ha chiesto a Santa Claus un pony!

Infine George, il primogenito dei duchi di Cambridge, è il più composto dei tre. Il piccolo erede al trono si starebbe godendo le vacanze natalizie ( che in Inghilterra sono iniziate l’11 dicembre) in attesa di ricominciare la scuola il 07 gennaio.

Chissà cosa troveranno sotto l’albero i piccoli principini! Di sicuro, però, non potranno passare le vacanze con gli zii e il piccolo cugino Archie perché, come ormai sappiamo, i duchi di Sussex saranno negli Stati Uniti per le vacanze di Natale!

Kate Middleton


ultimo aggiornamento: 22 Gennaio 2021 18:09

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